66th Avenue Gateway
A Measure DD Project

Project Description
new sculpture park at 66th Avenue serves as a major gateway to the
waterfront and provides a visible connection between neighborhoods
and the waterfront. The Bay Trail passes through the park, which
incorporates art and native plantings as key features.
The undeveloped project site is shown at right, with the project
plan just below.
Key art elements include:
Pacific Current viewing shelter (stainless steel).
Ecology Stones sculptures (granite):
Clapper Rail, endangered species
found at Arrowhead Marsh
Tube Worms, found in the mudflats
Oyster with Drills, a native oyster
Snail with Barnacles,
Core Sample, mudflat organisms from
beneath the surface
More Information
66th Avenue Gateway Dedication
Ceremony photos
Damon Marsh Walk Map & Guide - Guide to East Bay Creeks,
Oakland Museum of Calif.
Development. Measure DD bonds: $2 million.
Additional contributions from:
City of Oakland Public Arts Program &
State of California 2000 Parks Bond Act
Maintenance. The project will be maintained the City
of Oakland with funds provided by the
and Lighting Assessment District.
Location & Sky View
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