Bellevue Avenue Reconfiguration
A Measure DD Project

Project Description
This project will reconfigure Bellevue Avenue for better access and
parking accommodations, as called for in the text of the Measure DD
The design is yet to be developed but likely will
reflect these access and circulation provisions of the Lake Merritt
Master Plan:
"Part of Sailboat House parking lot
[on Bellevue] to be converted into park space. A few
spaces would be preserved for handicapped, loading and
boat trailer parking."
"Bellevue Avenue, in Lake Merritt
Park, to be widened by eleven feet. This would allow for
diagonal parking on both sides of Bellevue Avenue,
replacing the spaces lost at the Sailboat House parking
"...the intersections of Grand
Avenue and Bellevue, at both the park entrance and exit,
to be narrowed. This would provide a safer and more
pedestrian friendly crosswalk across Bellevue."
More Information
Visit the City of Oakland
Merritt Master Plan page
Development. Measure DD bonds: $3 million.
Maintenance. The project will be maintained the City
of Oakland.
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