Green Streets Project
(Snow Park and 20th St./Harrison St. improvement)
A Measure DD Project

Project Description
project will reconfigure the intersection of Lakeside, 20th, and
Harrison to calm traffic, create safer pedestrian crossings, add bike
lanes, increase park space and improve connections between Snow
Park and Lake Merritt. This reconfiguration is called for in the
Lake Merritt Master Plan.
More Information
View the
City of Oakland
1/29/2014 Project
Report, with description, images, plans, funding detail,
and status.

Visit the City of Oakland
Snow Park / 20th St./ Harrison Project page:
Concept plans, before and after illustrations of design.
Visit the City of Oakland
Merritt Master Plan page.
The project is substantially complete.
Development. Measure DD bonds:
$4.4 million. Alameda County Transportation
Commission grant: $8.8 million. Federal Surface
Transportation Program grant: $800,000
Maintenance. The project will be maintained the City
of Oakland with funds provided by the
and Lighting Assessment District.
Location & Sky View
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for driving directions.
View dd-Snow/20th/Harrison in a larger map