Waterfront Action is a community-based non-profit organization, and we
are actively seeking your support. Our work is performed by
volunteers, so your entire contribution supports our
Please help make our work possible. Become an advocate for our unique waterfront setting
and show your
support for a well-planned future in the East Bay Area! Add your
voice to the growing number of concerned citizens interested in
promoting public access to the waters around Oakland and Alameda.
How to Donate...
US Mail.

Please print the donation form, complete and mail it, together with your check
payable to Waterfront Action, to us at:
Waterfront Action
Attn: Membership
P.O. Box 11456
Oakland, CA 94611-0456

We can
accept your contribution information and credit card payment online.
Please select your donation level below, and
then go to this secure site to make credit card payment and provide your
membership information, including your name, E-mail, and
Each donation level is named for water birds found at Lake Merritt and the Estuary:
____ $25.00 - California Gull
____ $50.00 - Snowy Egret
____ $75.00 - Great Blue Heron
____ $100.00 - Brown Pelican
____ Other - Least Tern
Note: Just Give is a non-profit organization that provides secure online
processing for other non-profits like us. They will invite you to
make a small donation to cover their costs, but because we pay them a
small processing fee, there is no need for you to make this donation to
them. Their policies protect your privacy; here is
their privacy policy.
You will receive a donation receipt from JustGive by E-mail.
Effective Voice Perhaps the most
important benefit is the effective voice we gain by
joining together, pooling efforts and resources, and focusing our
representation in public forums. We share a common intention that
our waterfront becomes a vibrant educational, recreational,
and cultural asset, as well as a prosperous regional economic
resource. Together we can help make this vision a reality.
E-mail/Web Updates You will receive a periodic E-mail updates designed to alert you
to key events related to the waterfront. Updates will provide
brief headline stories with links to full articles on the Waterfront
Views website.
Tax Deduction Your contribution is fully tax-deductible under federal and California
law. Waterfront Action, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable
Privacy Note:
Guided by our privacy
policy, we will use your personal information only for purposes
directly related to Waterfront Action and estuary initiatives.