Race to the Head of the

1979, the "Head of the Estuary" rowing regatta has attracted hundreds of
single-scullers, eight-oared rowers and whaleboaters to Oakland, on the
last Sunday of October. The crews start sequentially at the High Street
bridge, then try to overtake one another--and try to avoid being
overtaken--as they race down the 6 kilometers to Jack London Square. The
winner, or the "Head" of the Estuary, is determined by comparing elapsed
Come down to Jack London Square to watch 1997's dramatic race, Sunday,
October 27, 8:00 to 11:00 in the morning.
Robert Kidd
Jack London Aquatic Center, Inc.
"Walk Along the Water"
© Oakland Museum of California, used with permission.

Update: The Head of the Estuary regatta continues to challenge
hundreds of rowers and scullers, from throughout the state, on the last
Sunday of each October. The regatta now finishes at the Jack London
Aquatic Center, at Oakland's Estuary Park. Don't miss this celebration
of Oakland, of autumn, and of the sport of rowing. -
Robert Kidd,
Jack London Aquatic Center, Inc., 2009
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