The Transcontinental Railroad
Comes to Town

first railroad linking California to the eastern states arrived in
Oakland on November 8, 1869. It cut the travel time between coasts from
118 days by ship around the Horn of South America to 6 days across the
continent by rail. The choice of Oakland as the railroad's terminus was
one of the most important things that has happened to our city. The
economic impact was enormous as travelers and freight flowed through
The main Central Pacific depot was at Broadway and 7th St. Hotels,
restaurants, barber shops, drug stores and other services for travelers
sprang up in the surrounding streets. Attracted by railroad-related jobs
and business opportunities, legions of newcomers swelled the population
of Oakland which grew from 1,543 in 1860 to 34,555 in 1880.
Deborah Cooper
Oakland Museum of California
"Walk Along the Water"
© Oakland Museum of California, used with permission.

Explore this
Maps &
photographs of the CPRR Long Wharf ca. 1885 - Central Pacific RR
Photographic History Museum
What the CPRR Co. Has Been Doing - excerpt
describing Long Wharf from
The Terminus: The Railroad System of the Pacific Coast, by John
Scott, 1871
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