Jack London's Cabin
1968, Russ Kingman, an area businessman with a passion for Jack London,
headed an expedition to the Alaskan wilderness to authenticate a tiny
cabin discovered in the woods on the north fork of Henderson Creek. The
cabin was said to be the location where Jack London wintered in 1897-98
when he was prospecting during the Yukon Gold Rush. Kingman brought Sgt.
Ralph Godfrey, a handwriting expert from the Oakland Police Department’s
forgery detail, along to verify London’s signature which was scratched
out on the ceiling. One the cabin was determined to be legitimate it was
disassembled and the logs divided into two piles. Half went to Dawson
City, Canada, and half was purchased by the Port and came to Oakland.
Two cabins were replicated from the original materials. Now both cities
have duplicate tributes to London, world renowned author and adventurer.
The cabin was dedicated on July 1, 1970.
Annalee Allen
"Walk Along the Water"
© Oakland Museum of California, used with permission.

Explore this
Kingman's Story of Jack London's Cabin - The World of Jack London
Photograph of replicated Jack London cabin - Waterfront Action
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