Moore Dry Dock Co. Becomes
Schnitzer Steel

the foot of Adeline St., Moore Dry Dock Co. was the largest shipbuilding
yard on the Estuary. During the shipbuilding booms of the war years,
Moore Dry Dock employed thousands of workers and built over 200 ships
between 1909 and 1961. Besides construction of ships, Moore Dry Dock
provided structural steel for many notable buildings and the caissons
for the San Francisco Bay Bridge. Moore Dry Dock also built both the
Park St. Bridge (1934-35) and the High St. Bridge (1938-1939 between
Oakland and Alameda.
Moore Dry Dock closed in 1961. The site is now occupied by Schnitzer
Steel which recycles metal. Schnitzer Steel can turn an abandoned car
into 6 x 6 inch pieces of metal in about 30 seconds.
Deborah Cooper
Oakland Museum of California
"Walk Along the Water"
© Oakland Museum of California, used with permission.

Explore this
Moore Dry Dock and The Shipbuilders of the Estuary - Oakland
of Moore-Scott Shipyard - Oakland History Room, Oakland Public
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