Year of the Estuary Celebration
Waterfront Action declared 2005 as the "Year of the Estuary" and launched several
new initiatives, including the Waterfront Events Calendar
and Billboard Project.
See pictures and hear KCBS coverage of
Year of the
Estuary kickoff event.
Horace Carpentier Dinner 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007, Waterfront Action and the
Jack London Aquatic Center
proudly presented the fourth annual Horace Carpentier Dinner, a celebration of the
past, the present, and the future of the Oakland-Alameda Estuary,
including tongue-in-cheek recognition of Horace Carpentier as the rascal who
founded the town of Oakland, became its first
mayor, and
quickly took
possession of its waterfront. The decision to name this event
after Oakland's first mayor was intentionally ironic. Learn more>
More than 175 members of the community attended the dinner and
enthusiastically joined in "hissing" Horace, played faithfully
by David Nicolai, Executive Director of the Pardee Home Museum. To
get a feel for the events and attendees of a Horace dinner, read
There, There,
by Gary Turchin of the Monclarion.

This year's event was beheld at the upstairs, over the crew shells at
the beautiful Jack London Aquatic Center located on the estuary
waterfront and
a catered dinner with wine;
opportunities to chat with like-minded
colleagues interested in our region's waterfront;
a chance to meet "Horace" and other
historical figures;
a fun way to provide fund-raising
support for the programs of the Jack London Aquatic Center and
Waterfront Action;
presentation of awards for contributions to our waterfront and its communities:
Long Wharf Awards to Hon. Beverly Johnson, Mayor of
Alameda and Bruce Qualls, Vice President, Regency Centers
Schoolhouse Award
to Celia McCarthy, Archivist and Environmental Planner,
Port of Oakland;
The dinner was generously underwritten by:
Pacific Gas
and Electric Company
Dinner sponsors:
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Jack London District Association
- Michael and Ann Richter
- Schnitzer Steel
- Stein, Rudser, Cohen & Magid LLP
We look forward to seeing you
at next year's "Horace"!