Status and Announcements
The schedule and
locations of Central Estuary Plan public meetings are listed on the
Central Estuary Plan website meetings section.
On July 20, 2010, the City Council adopted a preferred land use
alternative described on
this map
An additional community workshop will be scheduled to describe how
the adopted alternative differs from the recommendation of the
public process.
The Central Estuary waterfront area of Oakland, also known as the
"Central Waterfront", is the subject of a planning effort that will
refine the policies presented in the Estuary
Policy Plan and guide their implementation through zoning
regulations. The Central Estuary Specific Plan is being developed over an 18 to
24 month period by Community Design + Architecture, an Oakland
firm acting under contract from the City of Oakland.
What is a specific Plan, and how does it
differ from a general plan? Central Estuary area resident Chris Kidd
has provided a very helpful overview in
Planning on the Estuary, posted to the A Better Oakland blog.
The Central Estuary extends from 19th Avenue at the
north to 50th Ave. to the south and from I-880 at the east to the Bay at
the west, as depicted in this map:
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Planning Status
RFP for service to prepare the Central Estuary Specific Plan details
the project deliverables. Key elements are listed below:
RFP for planning service
consultant contract |
Consulting contract award |
Plan website ( available
here ) |
Community outreach and
meetings |
Draft Alternatives document |
Public Review Draft of plan |
Zoning and general plan
amendment reports |
EIR Notice of Preparation |
EIR Scoping Session & report |
Public Draft EIR |
Final EIR |
Public Process
Under the requirements established in the
RFP, the consultant must design a process that includes substantial
public involvement and participation among all stakeholders, including
those who are traditionally underrepresented. the RFP calls for
large community workshops, smaller meetings with stakeholder groups,
mailings, a project website, and other creative approaches to generate
community input and participation.
The RFP calls for a series of community workshops,
following this proposed schedule:
Workshop Topic |
Date |
Visioning and goals |
Mar 23, 2009 |
Confirm vision, focus on
"healthy development" |
Apr 22, 2009 |
Existing conditions /
opportunities & constraints |
June 18, 2009 |
Alternative concepts for
the area |
11, 2009 |
Draft land use / Refined
Alternatives |
Oct 1, 2009 |
Selection of preferred
alternative |
Nov 14, 2009 |
7. Draft Specific Plan and
guidelines |
8. Revised Draft Specific
Plan and guidelines |
9. Public Review Draft EIR |
May 2010 |
Workshop documents and work products
are available on the
Central Estuary Plan website meetings section.
More Information
Central Estuary
Plan website offers background, meeting notices, a document
repository, and frequently asked questions.
The Estuary Policy Plan
(EPP) provides the policy foundation for this specific plan process, but
the online version of the EPP omits nearly the entire section on San
Antonio / Fruitvale, including pages 103-117 and 119-124. Waterfront
action has published these pages below:
Missing EPP Pages (3mb
Planning Considerations
The planning project area has a number of properties
that require special attention during the planning process:
Existing land use and zoning includes a broad mix of industrial,
commercial, residential, and public designations. These
varying sectors may present competing ideas about best uses of the
The Bay Trail runs through the central
waterfront, and the plan must include strategies for closing the
existing gaps in the trail.
Oakland's Measure DD includes a number of
projects in the central waterfront area, and the plan must
support the completion of these projects.
Central Waterfront in the News
proposal advances for Tidewater Avenue area March 24, 2010, Oakland Tribune
waterfront debate revs up March 18, 2010, Oakland Tribune Oakland
firm wins $2.1 million contract to study waterfront design
November 12, 2008, Oakland Tribune
waterfront slowly transformed
September 17, 2007, Oakland Tribune
concerns delay waterfront plan
July 17, 2007, Oakland Tribune