House &
Public Meeting Highlights
On March 30 and April 9, 2005, the City of Oakland hosted two open house
community meetings designed to:
- provide information about the
Oak to 9th plan and its schedule;
- review community issues;
- gain public input;
- discuss future opportunities for public involvement.
March 30 open house attracted more than 80 attendees.
The event included a brief formal presentation, but
most of the time was allotted for public review of the plan model,
posters, and literature. Representatives from Oakland Harbor
Partners, CirclePoint, and the City of Oakland were on hand to respond to questions. CirclePoint organized break-out sessions to
elicit community input regarding the plan.

Mike Ghielmetti of Oakland Harbor Partners reviews
features of the model with interested attendees.

Patrick Van Ness of Oakland Harbor Partners responds
to public questions.