Waterfront Action
has held frequent public meetings devoted to waterfront improvements,
plans, and developments. These meetings have brought together community
members, developers, agency and government officials to consider issues
and projects related to our region's waterfront.
These sessions
have been one of Waterfront Action's most significant contributions; to get a
sense of their scope, view the history of meeting agendas shown below.
If you would like receive meeting notices and agendas by E-mail, please
join our
Friends of the Waterfront E-mail

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012
The Webster Green
Highlights of planning efforts for this unique space above the
Webster Tube.
Presenter: Brendon Levitt, Jack London District Association

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011
It's a Long Way from Jack London
What Passage of 50 Years Has Achieved
This presentation included the Oakland waterfront slide show and
narrative delivered at the 2011 Waterfront Center Conference in New
Presenter: Sandra Threlfall, Waterfront Action

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
FOG - Friends of the Gateway
A community of artists and innovators
who champion the creation of a unique public space
at the foot of the new Bay Bridge
Presenter: Leslie Pritchett, FOG

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011
Richard E. Winnie and Tales of the Waterfront
Highlights of his seminal role in opening the Oakland waterfront:
1992 to 2011
Deborah Cooper, Robert Kidd, Brian Wiese, Sandy Threlfall, and

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
Boathouses on the Estuary
Anne Kassebaum, Recreation Services Mgr, East Bay Regional Park District
Dan Herbert, Chair, Oakland Strokes
Dana Riley, Asst. to Director, City of Oakland Office of Parks &

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011
Deconstruction – Reconstruction
Generating Revenue - Is it Possible?
Douglas Herman,
Environmental Scientist,
Port of Oakland Materials Management Program
Kristi McKenney,
Acting Assistant Director of Aviation, Port of Oakland

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
Treasure Island: The Dream
and the Reality
Chosen as a Model Project for Climate Positive Development
Project by the Clinton Climate Initiative
Kheay Loke, Project Manager, Wilson Meany Sullivan (Developer)
Michael Tymoff, Project Manager, San Francisco Office of Economic and
Workforce Development
Ruth Gravanis, San Francisco Environment Commission, Vice President

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
Bay Access
If you know it, you will love and protect it.
Jim McGrath, Board Member, Bay Access
Keith Miller, President, California Canoe and Kayak

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
Gateway Park Planning Update
Brad McCrea, Bay Development Design Analyst, Bay Conservation and
Development Commission
Michael Anderson, Assistant General Manager Planning Stewardship and
Development, East Bay Regional Park District

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
Waterfront Emergency Transportation Authority
A View of the Future Ferry System
Presenter: Leamon Abrams, Community Affairs Director, WETA
Oakland-Alameda Estuary Crossing: Where are we today?
Interim Proposal: A Water Shuttle
Presenters: Lucy Gigli, Jeff Cambra, Cyndy Johnsen, BikeAlameda
Measure B Transportation Funds: Program Planning
Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority
Presenters: Christine Monsen and Tess Lengyel, ACTIA
The Pony Express on Oakland Ferries?
150th Anniversary
Presenter: Annalee Allen, Historian

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010
Update on the Port of Oakland
Presenter: Richard H. Sinkoff, Director of Environmental Programs and Planning,
Port of Oakland
What's Happening at Jack London Square
Presenter: Matthew Wickens, Senior Development Manager, Ellis

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009
The Oakland Army Base
Presenter: Phil Tagami, California Capital Group
Central Estuary Specific Plan Preferred Alternative
Presenter: Eric Angstadt, Deputy Director, Comm & Econ Dev, Oakland

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Free Shuttle Bus to the Waterfront?
Presenter: Zach Seal, Urban Economic Analyst
City of Oakland, Business Development Services

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009
Lake Merritt 12th Street Project
Presenter: Joel Peter, City of Oakland Manager of Measure DD
Historic Evolution of 12th Street
Presenter: James Vann, Coalition of Advocates for Lake Merritt (CALM)
Central Estuary Specific Plan:
Brief Update

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
Gateway Park!
A Remarkable Public Site at the Completion of the Bay Bridge
Rod McMillan, Bay Area Toll Authority
Al Auletta, Oakland Redevelopment Area Manager
Mike Anderson, East Bay Regional Park District
Brad McCrea, Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009
Rowing on the Estuary
Olympic Rowing in Oakland
Tim McLaren, Head Coach, California Rowing Club
Joel Scrogin, Assistant Coach, California Rowing Club
Jack London Aquatic Center, Oakland's Trailhead to the Water
Robert Kidd, Interim Executive Director, Jack London Aquatic Center
Jordan Gill, Program Coordinator, Jack London Aquatic Center

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
Central Waterfront: What's Happening?
Central Estuary Specific Plan
Presenter: Alisa Shen, Community and Economic Development,
City of Oakland
Oakland Waterfront Food Trail
Presenter: Margot Lederer Prado, Business Development Services
City of Oakland

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
Special Field Trip:
High Street Bridge Catwalk Tour
Rick Ruiz, Alameda County Public Works M&O Deputy Director
Hanson Aggregates Tour
Presenter: Mike Bishop, Hansen Aggregates

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
A Way Around the Bridges for Pedestrians and Bicycles?
Joel Peter, City of Oakland Manager of DD Projects
Rick Ruiz, Alameda County Public Works M&O Deputy Director
Barbara Price, PK consultants, Army Corps Tidal Canal Project
David Sulouff, Chief Bridge Section 11th Coast Guard District

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008
The Rebirth of Jack London Square:
Joie de Vivre Hospitality re-introduces the Waterfront Hotel
Presenter: Greg Mauldin, Waterfront Hotel Manager
Jack London Square: New Changes
Matthew Wickens, Senior Development Manager for the Square

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008
Infrastructure Bond Funds:
California Transportation Commission (CTC) approves
$456 million to the Port of Oakland
Jon Amdur, Maritime Projects Manager for Port of Oakland; Union Pacific

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008
Discussion of an Aerial Tram in Oakland
Presenter: Doppelmayr CTEC, builder of the Portland Aerial Tram

Wednesday, March 18th, 2008
Tidewater Park: Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline
Presenter: Brian Wiese, Chief of Planning and Stewardship for EBRPD
CyberTran International: Ultra-Light Rail Transit system
Presenter: Neil Garcia-Sinclair, Chairman & CEO CyberTran

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
Alameda Point
Presenter: Pat Pat Keliher, Vice President of Operations, SunCal

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007
Alameda Landing: Reuse of the Navy FISC site
Presenter: Catellus Representative

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
The Central Waterfront of Oakland:
What are the Next Steps?
Roundtable Discussion
Review of Community and Economic
Development Committee meeting of Sept. 11th
General Plan Review of Area Specific Plan

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007
The Central Waterfront of Oakland:
What is its Future?
Carlos Plazola, Terra Linda Development Services
Eric Angstadt, Strategic Planning Manager, City of Oakland
Aliza Gallo, Business Development Services Mgr., City of Oakland

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007
San Francisco Bay Trail in Oakland and Alameda
Lee Huo, Planner, Bay Trail Project, ABAG
Oakland DD Projects Relating to Bay Trail Gaps:
Funding and Scheduling
Diane Tannenwald,
Capital Improvement Project Coordinator, City of Oakland

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007
Re-Use Proposal for the Ninth Avenue Terminal
in response to the City RFP
Ninth Avenue Terminal Partners, LLC
Stuart Rickard of Placeworks, LLC
Tom McCoy of BBI Construction

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007
The Water Shuttle: connecting Alameda and Oakland
Lucy Gigli, President and Co-founder of Bike Alameda
Barry Bergman, City of Alameda Department of Public Works
Park Street Triangle – at the Park Street Bridge to Alameda:
Study and Next Steps
Presenter: Wlad Wlassowsky, City of Oakland Department of Public Works

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007
Trail Improvements in Derby/Lancaster Area
Presenter: Diane Tannenwald, City of Oakland Public Works
California Goods Movement Action Plan:
Implications for Oakland
Presenter: Steve Gregory, Port of Oakland

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
Lake Merritt Channel Improvements planned with Measure DD Funds:
1. New bridge at 10th Street
2. Bicycle, pedestrian, and small boat access
3. Increasing tidal circulation between the Estuary and the Lake
Presenter: Joanna Fong, Sasaki Associates
Embarcadero Bridge over Lake Merritt Channel Status Report
Presenter: Public Works Agency, City of Oakland
Presenters: Sandy Threlfall and other attendees

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006
Oakland Waterfront Promenade Development Standards
Presenter: Elois Thornton, planner, City of Oakland
66th Avenue Update
Presenter:Diane Tannenwald, planner, City of Oakland

May 17, 2006
Alameda Landing:
Catellus Mixed-Use Project at the site of the Navy Supply Depot
Barbara Price, Dan Marcus, Mike Wenzell, BP Consultants

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006
The Other Side of the Estuary: Alameda
Only 1000 Feet from Oakland – So Let's Get Together!
Frank Matarrese, Alameda City Council
Bobby Winston, proprietor of Bay Crossings

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Broadway/Jackson Interchange and Other ACTIA Projects
Art Dau, Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority
Barbara Hawkins, Civil Engineer, City of Alameda
Wlad Wlassowsky, Civil Engineer, Oakland Public Works

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005
Port of Oakland Looks to New Alternatives for Goods Movement:
Port of Sacramento, Port of Stockton, city of Shafter and others?
Presenter: Steve Gregory, Sr. Strategic Port Planner
Schnitzer Steel: Current State of Recycling in California
Presenter: Marc Madden, General Manager, Schnitzer Steel

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005
Measure DD's 12th Street Project Revisited
Presenter: Joanna Fong of Sasaki Associates
Waterfront Trail Development Standards
Presenter: Diane Tannenwald of the Public Works Agency
Highlights of the Waterfront Center Conference, Savannah, Georgia
Presenter: Sandra Threlfall

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Special DVD Showing of "Saving the Bay"
A story of San Francisco Bay (10 minute preview)
Estuary Cove Project
Presenter: Dan Gray of Gray and Reynolds
DD Waterfront Projects Update
Presenter: Joel Peter, DD Project Manager

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005
ACCESS: Land, Water, and Ferry
By ferry:
Presenter: Steve Castleberry, Water Transit Authority CEO
By trail:
Presenter: Lee Huo, Bay Trail Planner (ABAG)
By water:
Presenter: Penny Wells, Bay Access Board President (Water Trail)

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
Perata SB 674 regarding Trust Land Trades on the Base
Presenter: Aliza Gallo, Executive Director, Oakland Base Reuse Authority

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005
Presenter: Rita Torres,Unity Council:
The Cryer Site (adjacent to Union Point Park)
Presenter: Diane Tannenwald, City of Oakland, Project Manager

Wednesday, December 15th, 2004
Brief Report on the 5th Avenue I-880 Replacement Project
Presenter: John Gibbs of WRT and Murakami/Nelson
Design development plans for: Lakeside Drive and Lakeshore Avenue
- Refurbishment of the Municipal Boathouse
To include facilities for Lake Merritt Rowing Club

Wednesday, October 20. 2004
Review of Waterfront Action's First Year
Presenter: Sandra Threlfall

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Measure DD's 12th Street Project
The reconfiguration of the South End of Lake Merritt
Presenters: Rajappan and Meyer, the Prime Contractors
Jose Martinez, the City's Project Manager
Joel Peter, Public Works Construction Supervisor
Measure DD's Public Art Project: Goals and Purposes, Expectations
and Protocols
Presenter: Steven Huss, Public Art Program Coordinator

Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
Lake Merritt Channel Hydraulics:
the link between the Oakland Inner Harbor and the Lake
Presenter: Seth A. Gentzler, PE
Senior Environmental Engineer, URS Corporation
The Cathedral at Lake Merritt
Presenter: Lee Nordlund, The Cathedral of Christ the Light

Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
Oak to Ninth Avenue Development
Presenter: Mike Ghielmetti of Oakland Harbor Partners

Wednesday, March 17th, 2004
Embarcadero Cove Project - Brooklyn Basin
Presenter: Dan Gray of Gray and Reynolds
Site on Brooklyn Basin: An Open Space for Oakland?

Wednesday, February 18, 2004
What is the Future of Ferries for the San Francisco Bay?
Presenter: Steve Castleberry, CEO, Water Transit Authority
Local School Students Discover the Water
DeDe Birch, Executive Director, Jack London Aquatic Center

Thursday, December 4th, 2003
-Lake Merritt Projects
-Estuary Projects
-JLS Redevelopment Project
-Oak to Ninth Avenue
-The Army Base
-Channel areas at Laney College
-Traffic issues - public transportation - how to get to the waterfront?
-Bay Trail Study (EDAW) Public Input
-May as Waterfront Month: Events to draw people to the shoreline

Thursday, November 11, 2004
Next Step for the Square: Jack London Master
Presenter: John Osmond, Ellis Partners

Thursday, October 16th, 2003
The Public Trust Lands on the Oakland Estuary
Presenter: Blake Stevenson, Senior Counsel and Dave Plummer, Regional
State Lands Commission Staff

Wednesday, September 24, 2003
What Did We Envision?
What Has Happened to the Catalyst Projects?
Jack London Aquatic Center and Union Point Park
Are We Moving Forward on the Plan?
What's Coming Up on the Waterfront?