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LWVO Waterfront Study

In 1993, the League of Women Voters of Oakland published a benchmark study titled The Waterfront: It touches the World.  How does it touch Oakland? This document laid the foundation for much of the region's waterfront planning over the following decade, and it stimulated a new awareness of Oakland's waterfront as a vital yet neglected resource. 

Today, some of the facts and specifics of the report are dated, but the study's fundamental findings and direction continue to be relevant and meaningful. 

The study report, reproduced here, was prepared by the League's Waterfront Committee, consisting of Virginia Hamrick, Susan Rich, Sandra Threlfall, and Richard Winnie, Chair.

The Waterfront: It touches the World. 
How does it touch Oakland?

Table of Contents

Ch 1 - Oakland, A Waterfront City

Ch 2 - Watermarks
            highlights in the history of Oakland's Waterfront
Ch 3 - Discovering Oakland's Waterfront
            sectors of the Waterfront
Ch 4 - Can the Waterfront Be More Than a Port?
            tidelands trust and the Port of Oakland
Ch 5 - The Pebble and the Pond
            economic impact of the Waterfront
Ch 6 - The Outward View
            the Shoreline Trail and public access
Ch 7 - The Estuary Shore: a Mixture or a Recipe
            City/Port coordination of land use & economic development
Ch 8 - The Stealth Waterfront
            history & future of Naval Supply Depot & Oakland Army Base
Ch 9 - Renewed Horizons
            summary of issues
Appendix - LWV Oakland Position


Waterfront Facts

Established in 1927 as an independent department of the City of Oakland, the Port of Oakland spans 19 miles of waterfront and more than 900 acres of maritime terminal facilities.




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