Measure DD Logo
Estuary Bay Trail Connections
A Measure DD Project

Project Description

Measure DD Trail PictureBay Trail LogoMeasure DD is intended to help close the gaps in a 6.6 mile portion of the Bay Trail between Jack London Square and 66th Avenue. Of the $198.25 million Measure DD bond, $53 million is allocated for property acquisition, environmental cleanup, and trail and park construction along the waterfront. Standardized signage and trail markers will be installed.


More Information

Oakland Waterfront Trail Executive Summary

Bay Trail Is Inching on, Neither Easily Nor Cheaply  September 24, 2011, New York Times


Many projects are involved; some are complete; many are in planning, negotiation, etc.
Key segments:

Estuary Park Trail Enhancements

awaiting Estuary Park project

Oyster Reef Restaurant Trail

awaiting Oak-9th project

10th Avenue Marina Trail

in design

Marine Max

protracted negotiations

Brooklyn Basin (Crowley site) to Embarcadero Cove

awaiting Marine Max resolution and awaiting EBRPD plan and request for possible funding from DD for them to implement the trail.

Livingston Pier


Cryer Site

(inital phase complete)

Union Point Park


Union Point Park to 23rd Avenue

in design

Trail around 3 Bridges to Alameda

complex design & negotiations
High St. Bridge in progress

Derby to Lancaster


Alameda Avenue


Fruitvale to High St. gap closure


Gallagher & Burk, Hanson Aggregates

on hold- property owners have denied easement for trail

66th Avenue Gateway



Development. Measure DD bonds: $31 million, excluding parks development costs.
Maintenance. The project will be maintained the City of Oakland with funds provided by the Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District.


This Trail Overview Map gives a sense of the regions involved.
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