of June 1, 2021, this is page is no longer being maintained.
The City of Oakland will provide current information at
following documents are published here as historical reference material
for the Measure DD Community Coalition.
Documents are

Measure DD
of DD Bond Measure (clean copy)
of DD Bond Measure & Voter Information (scanned)
Measure DD Ballot Flyer
Coalition Formation
Coalition Statement of Purpose
The Measure DD Implementation staff report approved by City Council on
July 15, 2003, which on p.5-6 recognizes and supports the formation of a Measure
DD community Coalition organization 6/10/03
Implementation staff report re: the role of the Measure DD Community Coalition 6/24/03
Coalition of Advocates
for Lake Merritt (CALM) and the History of Measure DD: The Creation of
Lake Merritt Boulevard, 8/21/13
Expense Tracking
Audited Financial Statements as of
LM2BT Measure DD Expense
Summary 9/21/2020
Request 1/20/2020
Bond Category III
Expenditures 9/13/2018
Expenditures by
Bond Category 3/19/2018
Audited Financial Statements
as of 6/30/2012
Financial Overview Report to Coalition
as of 9/19/11
DD Fiscal Update
as of 3/9/07
Audited Financial Statements as of 6/30/06
DD Capital Expenditure Plan
7/15/03 & 1/26/05 recommended update
Expense Tracking 12/30/04
DD Capital Expenditure Plan 5/30/03
(needs update)
Impacts from Homeless
Encampments at Peralta Park 8/17/2018
Staff Recommendation & Report:
Allocation of Series 2017C 11/22/2016
Fund Reallocation Report 1/29/14
Update to Council 6/9/09
Update to Executive Team 4/12/07
DD Report to Council 2/8/05
Staff Report with
recommendations re: the role of the Coalition 6/24/03
DD Implementation staff report
Council Resolutions &
Resolution: Allocation of Series
2017C 11/22/2016
Resolution: Authorizing a Cooperative
Agreement With the County of Alameda For the Implementation of the
BayTrail Project At the High Street Bridge July 12, 2011
Resolution No. 79649 C.M.S
Exhibit A: prioritized list of Creek Restoration and Watershed
Preservation and Acquisition projects 12/20/2005
Resolution: Acceptance of Coastal Conservancy Funds for 12th St.
Resolution: Measure DD Coalition Administration Contract
Resolution 77965: Measure DD
Appropriations 7/2/03
Coalition Position Statements & Advocacy Letters
Position statement re:
Brooklyn Basin marina expansion
Letter to Council re: use of
Measure Q funds in budget.
Endorsement of parcel tax measure
for parks maint etc.
Letter of support for OMCA
Museums for America grant
Comments on Downtown
Oakland Specific Plan & draft EIR
Letter of support for OMCA
gardens Our Town grant
Position statement re:
Funding maintenance
Position statement re:
Estuary Park Renovation
Letter re: engineering
agreements for Bay Trail progress
Position statement re:
Bay Trail Advocacy
Letter re: Encampments at Lake
Merritt & Channel
Letter re: Homeless Encampments at
Letter re: Proposed A's stadium site
Letter to EBRPD re: Crowley
site development 9/19/2017
Letter to Council re: Bay Trail
Priority 1/6/2017
OPW response re: special allocation for
maintenance 7/6/2016
Letter to OPW re: special allocation for maintenance 6/3/2016
Letter to Council re: action on "Remainder
Parcel DDA 6/8/2015
Letter to Council re: Lake
Merritt maintenance funding 6/2/2015
Letter: Proposed allocation of
"Remainder Parcel" Sale Proceeds 5/4/2015
Letter: "Remainder Parcel" Sale
Proceeds for DD maintenance 1/27/2015
Letter to Water Quality Board re: Oak to 9th
Marsh Restoration 1/20/2015
Letter to BCDC re: Oak to 9th Marsh
Restoration 1/20/2015
Letter to PG&E re: tree trimming in
Glen Echo Creek area 5/20/2014
Request to BCDC to maintain Oak to 9th Public
Access Schedule 5/19/2014
Letter of support for Lake-Bay Trail
Connection Grant app. 5/15/2014
Letter to Council re: budget priority
for DD project maintenance 3/25/2013
Letter of Support for Bicycle Bridge
Feasibility Grant 3/8/2013
Letter of Support for Lakeside Green
Street OBAG Grant 3/8/2013
Request to Port Commission for mitigation of delay
at Oak-9th 11/20/2012
Updated request to BCDC for Interim Bay
Trail at Oak-Ninth 11/20/2012
Letter to Peralta CCD Chancellor re:
Right-of-Entry Agreement 7/17/2012
Letter of appreciation to Eric Niemann re: 12th St. Photo Blog
Letter of appreciation re: garden maintenance near Lake Chalet 11/30/11
Letter of support for Cryer Site
Brownfields Grant application 11/16/11
Letter of support for Cryer Site
Brownfields Grant application 10/6/10
Request to BCDC for Interim Bay Trail at Oak
to Ninth 9/7/10
Position statement and
recommendation on view corridors 3/16/10
Coalition comments on re-zoning re: Lake Merritt &
environs 12/18/08
Coalition position statement on Oak to Ninth
development Jun 05
Model Advocacy Letters for adaptation by Coalition members or
Model letter to city officials urging
elevated priority for Bay Trail
Right-of-Entry Agreement model letter to
Peralta Chancellor
High Street Bridge model letter to
County Supervisor
Brooklyn Basin/10th Ave. Marina model letter
to Port Commissioners
Army Corps Bay Trail easement model letter
to legislators
Eastlake Music Festival Report 5/23/2015
Eastlake Music Festival handout - side1 5/23/2015
Eastlake Music Festival handout - side2 5/23/2015
Love our Lake Day
Program 6/9/13
Coalition narrative handout
from Love Our Lake Day 6/9/13
Council resolution honoring the
organizers, producers, and attending staff of Love Our Lake Day
Love Our Lake Day Video by
StreetFilms 6/9/2013
Lake Merritt Blvd.
Celebration Committee 4/30/13
Lake Merritt Blvd.
Celebration Committee 4/3/13
Lake Merritt Blvd.
Celebration Committee 3/21/13
Lake Merritt Blvd.
Celebration Committee 3/7/13
Lake Merritt Blvd.
Celebration Committee 11/8/12
"Remainder Parcel"
re: Coalition Review of Wind & Shadow Impact Studies 1/8/2015
City response
to DD letters and documents 11/18/2014
Letter re: 12th St
Remainder parcel 10/30/2014
East Bay Housing
Organization Letter re: "Remainder Parcel" 10/10/14
Subcommittee report to
Coalition on "Remainder Parcel" meeting 7/14/14
Letter re: proposed development
of 12th St. Remainder parcel 5/21/2014
Table of
affordable housing projects in Oakland 2013-2014
LM2BT Bridge
Design Revisions & BCDC DRB
Comments 4-8-2019
Proposal for Measure DD funding
Consensus summary of
above proposal 1-15-2018
Comments re: above
proposal 1-15-2018
Proposal for Measure DD funding
updated 1-12-2018
Channel Improvement
Project Request 9/17/2020
Lake to Estuary
Committee Summary 5/20/2019
Background for Lake to Estuary
Committee Summary 5/20/2019
Trail Gap Tracking Chart
Bay Trail Subcommittee Crowley Site
recommendation 9/14/2017
Bay Trail Subcommittee press
release 3/5/2017
Simple map of gaps in Bay
Trail 3/5/2017
EBRPD map of gaps in Bay Trail 9/19/2017
Homeless Encampment Task Force
Proposal 9/19/16
Self-guided Walking Tour Proposal
Agenda Committee Guidelines 3/21/16
Series C Residual Priorities
(aka: "Wish List") 11/16/15
Final Report DD
"Lake Merritt Blvd Walking Tour" Task Group 11/16/15
Lake Merritt Needs Survey
Revised 18th St.
Pier nameplate preferred by Coalition 9/16/13
Sketch of 18th St.
Pier nameplate preferred by Coalition 5/20/13
Joint presentation to
Port Commission with Bay Trail staff 3/14/13
Transcript of Commission
discussion following above presentation 3/14/13
Measure DD Public Art Program
Presentation 3/19/12
Preliminary Plan for Lakeside Garden Center
Entrance 5/22/10
Lakeside Garden Center Gate Design
Rendering 5/22/10
Pictures of
sample kiosk and
guard rail by Jack
London Aquatic Center
discussed 1/22/07, 4/16/07
Lake Merritt Projects FAQ
List of Council-approved As-Needed Consultants